
Types of services we offer.


SHuttle Services

Patients who are ambulatory and just need assistance getting to appointments or locations. We offer Shuttle Services. We provide safe reliable transport for our assisted living and mobile patients.

Wheelchair services

Patients who generally qualify for wheelchair services are typically wheelchair bound. These individuals cannot ambulate on their own or without assistance. Wheelchair services are only appropriate in non-emergency situations such as transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, dialysis treatments, etc. We offer three different types of wheelchair vans.

Management Services

Valor offers Management Services. This would include dispatching, call-intake, billing, fleet matientence, scheduling services. Please contact our Operations Manager or Billing Manger for further information.

Ambulance services

ALS and BLS Non-emergency transportation for patients who meet medical necessity. These requests for ambulance services are most often bed-confined and/or require special medical intervention or monitoring en route to their destination. Such services can only be performed by licensed Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs.)